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The documents in this collection of primary source material are only available to affiliates of subscribing academic institutions. If you think your institution has access, please click here to Login.
Title | Date | Module | Theatre of War | |
200 Kriegslieder | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front; Home Front; War at Sea | |
3rd London General Hospital Christmas, 1918 | 1918 | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | ||
4th Auxiliary Hospital, Moseley: Programme for Christmas Nineteen Hundred and Sixteen | 1916 | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | ||
Abrégé de Mousqueterie. La Carabine Ross et Emploi des Feux | 1913 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front | |
Adventures in Propaganda. Letters from an Intelligence Officer in France | 1919 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front | |
Adventures on the Home Front | 1918 | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | ||
Agriculture after the War | 1917 | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | Home Front | |
Ägypten im Weltkrieg | 1916 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Middle East | |
Air Raid Damage in London | 1923 | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | Home Front | |
All lies. Der Lügenfeldzug unserer Feinde | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | War at Sea; Western Front; Eastern Front | |
Almanac de la Campana de Gracia, 1917 | 1917 | Personal Experiences | ||
American Industry in the War: A Report of the War Industries Board | 1921 | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | Home Front | |
American Journalists in Europe | 1919 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Home Front; Western Front | |
American Relief Administration - Report of the Danzig Port Mission | 1919-1922 | A Global Conflict | Eastern Front | |
American Relief Administration - Report of the European Children's Fund mission to Poland | 1919-1922 | A Global Conflict | Eastern Front | |
American Relief Administration European Childrens Fund - Final Report of the Work in Hungary | 1 June 1920 | A Global Conflict | Eastern Front | |
American Relief Administration on the edge of Siberia' Report of the UFS Urals district | 1921-1923 | A Global Conflict | Eastern Front | |
The American Relief in Czecho-Slovakia | December 1921 | A Global Conflict | Eastern Front | |
American Women and the World War | 1918 | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | Home Front; Western Front | |
The Animals Do Their Bit in the Great War | n.d. | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | Western Front; Middle East | |
The Anzac Book: written and illustrated in Gallipoli by the men of Anzac | n.d. | Personal Experiences | Gallipoli; War at Sea | |
Arbeit-Dienst. Eindrücke aus dem Kriege Deutschlands und Österreichs | 1916 | Personal Experiences | ||
Arische Weltanschauung | 1916 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Army Demobilization Regulations | 1918 | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | Home Front | |
Army Prayer Book | March 1917 | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | ||
Army Service Corps Training, 1911: Part III Transport | 1915 | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | ||
Army Song Book U.S. | 1918 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
"Arnewood". With the Guns West and East | n.d. | Personal Experiences | Asia and the Pacific; Middle East; Western Front | |
Arnolds Kriegsflugblätter der Liller Kriegszeitung | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front | |
Au coeur de la tragédie | 1917 | Personal Experiences | ||
Aus dem belagerten Tsingtau | n.d. | Personal Experiences | ||
Aus grosser Zeit für grosse Zeit. Das Jugendleben des grossen Kurfürsten bis zu seinem Regierungsantritt. Ein Charaktergemälde in Versen | n.d. | Propaganda and Recruitment | Eastern Front | |
Aus meinem Amerikanischen Skizzenbuch | 1918 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Australia at War, with an Introduction by G.K. Chesterton | 1916-1917 | Personal Experiences | Western Front | |
Australia in the Great War. The Story Told in Pictures | 1918 | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | Western Front | |
Australia in Palestine | 1919 | Personal Experiences | Middle East; War in the Air | |
Avec l'armée roumaine (1916-1918) | 1916-1918 | Personal Experiences | ||
Bagdad, Babylon, Ninive | 1917 | Personal Experiences | ||
Battles for Peace. The Story of the Great War Told for Children | 1918 | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | Western Front; Eastern Front; War at Sea; Middle East | |
The BEF Times, Volume 2, Numbers 1-6 | 17 August 1917 - 26 February 1918 | Personal Experiences | Western Front | |
Belgian Relief Fund: A Children's Painting Book | September 1914 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Home Front; Neutrals | |
Bethesda-Kalendar 1916 | 1916 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Home Front | |
Birmingham and the Great War, 1914-1919 | 1921 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Home Front; Western Front; Middle East; Italian Front | |
Bobbins of Belgium | 1920 | A Global Conflict | Western Front; Home Front | |
Boje Legionów Polskich, Number 3 | 1914 | Personal Experiences | ||
Booklet on the Gordon Highlanders, signed by G Grant Cameron (1916) | 1916 | A Global Conflict | Western Front | |
Brave Words for Brave Men. A Booklet for Sailors and Soldiers | n.d. | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Bridport and the Great War: Its Record of Work at Home and in the Field | 1923 | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | Home Front; Gallipoli; Middle East; Western Front | |
Briefe aus der Residenz von Euschtachius Dintenmüller | 1916 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Eastern Front | |
Bristol and the Great War, 1914-1919 | 1920 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Home Front; Western Front; War at Sea; Middle East; Italian Front | |
Britain Transformed | c.1916 | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | ||
British Artists at the Front | 1914-1918 | Personal Experiences | Home Front; Western Front; War in the Air; War at Sea | |
British Freedom 1914-1917 | 1917 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Home Front; Western Front | |
British Industry and the War | n.d. | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | Home Front | |
British Universities and the War. A Record and Its Meaning | August 1917 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Home Front | |
Bunte Bilder aus dem größten aller Kriege | n.d. | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front; Eastern Front; War in the Air; Home Front; War at Sea | |
The Bystander's Fragments from All the Fronts. Vol. VI | n.d. | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front; Italian Front; Neutrals | |
"The Bystander's" Fragments from France | n.d. | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front | |
The Bystander's Fragments from France. Vol. IV | n.d. | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front | |
The Bystander's Fragments. Vol. V | n.d. | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front | |
Calendrul de Rasbou al Ostasilov Români,1919. (Romanian language) | 1919 | A Global Conflict | Balkans; Home Front | |
Canada in Khaki | 1916 | Personal Experiences | Western Front | |
Canada in Khaki, no. 2 | 1917 | Personal Experiences | Western Front; War at Sea | |
Canada in Khaki, no. 3 | 1919 | Personal Experiences | Western Front | |
The Canadian Convalescent Hospital | c.1918 | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | ||
The Canadian Scottish. Stray papers by a Private | n.d. | Personal Experiences | Home Front | |
The Care of the Horse and Mule and how the Harness Should Fit | 1916 | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | Home Front | |
Cartones de Raemaekers | n.d. | Personal Experiences | Western Front; War at Sea | |
The Cartoon, Vol. I, No's. 1-14 | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Cartoons of the War | April 1915 | Personal Experiences | Italian Front; Western Front | |
The Case of Belgium in the Present War. An Account of the Violation of the Neutrality of Belgium and of the Laws of War on Belgian Territory | 1914 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Neutrals; Western Front | |
Ce Qu'il Faut Savoir de la Question d'Alsace-Lorraine | 1918 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front | |
Ce Qu’ils Pensent | n.d. | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front | |
The Child and the War: Being Notes on Juvenile Delinquency | 1917 | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | Home Front | |
The Child's ABC of the War | 1914 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Home Front; Western Front; Eastern Front; War at Sea | |
Cómo gané la Cruz de Hierro | n.d. | Personal Experiences | ||
Condor por Sudamerika. Reflejos sobre el Porvenir | n.d. | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Conscription and Conscience. A History 1916-1919 | 1922 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Home Front | |
Conscription. National Service Industrial & Military. What it Means, and How it May Affect You | October 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Home Front | |
Conseils Pratiques aux Cadres de Cavalerie (Guerre de 1914) | January 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Covenants with Death | 1934 | Personal Experiences | Home Front; Eastern Front; Western Front; Middle East; War at Sea | |
Danken und Dienen. Gedichte aus schwerer deutscher Zeit | 1916 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Home Front | |
Danske soldaterbreve | 1918 | Personal Experiences | ||
Das Bild als Narr. Die Karikatur in der Völkerverhetzung, was sie Aussagt- und was sie Verrät | 1918 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Das Bild als Verleumder. Beispiele und Bemerkungen zur Technik der Völker-Verhetzung | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Das Britische Weltreich | 1916 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Das deutsche Herz. Kriegsgedichte deutscher Lehrer 1914-1915 | 1916 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Das Endziel des Weltkrieges: Englands Ausschaltung aus Europa | 1916 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Das Erlebnis unserer jungen Kriegsfreiwilligen | n.d. | Personal Experiences | ||
Das Kriegstagbuch | 1 August - 10 December 1914 | Personal Experiences | ||
Das lustige Büchel der Liller Kriegszeitung | December 1917 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front | |
Das lustige Büchel der Liller Kriegszeitung | July 1917 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front | |
Das lustige Büchel der Liller Kriegszeitung | May 1916 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front | |
Das lustige Büchel der Liller Kriegszeitung | December 1916 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front | |
Das perfide Albion | n.d. | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Das Verhältniss Englands zu Europa | 1917 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Der deutsche Soldat und Held. Ein Gedicht in fünfundzwanzig Gesängen | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Der deutsche Zorn in Versen und Liedern | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Der deutschen Seele Trost. Weltliche und Geistliche Gedichte | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Der Feldgraue | 1917 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front; Eastern Front | |
Der Hias. Ein feldgraues Spiel in drei Aufzügen | 1917 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front | |
Der Islam. Süddeutsche Monatshefte | July 1918 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Middle East; Neutrals; Western Front | |
Der jüngste Tag. Novellen aus dem Krieg | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Eastern Front | |
Der Kaiser rief! Kriegslieder und Gedichte | Propaganda and Recruitment | |||
Der Kampf. Neue Gedichte aus dem Heiligen Krieg | 1914 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Der Krieg der Worte | 1916 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Der Kriegs-Struwwelpeter: Lustige Bilder und Verse | n.d. | Personal Experiences | ||
Der Kriegsfreiwillige | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Eastern Front | |
Der Landsturm-Lütenant. Volksstück aus der große Mobilisierigszyt von 1914 | 1916 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Home Front | |
Der muntere Seifensieder. Ein Schwank aus der deutschen Mobilmachung | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Home Front | |
Der nächste Weltkrieg. Die Prophezeiung eines neutralen Diplomaten | 1916 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Asia and the Pacific | |
Der neue Dreibund | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Der papierne Feind. Die Weltpresse als Schürer des Deutschenhasses | 1918 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
An der Spitze meiner Kompagnie: Drei Monate Kriegserlebnisse | 1914 | A Global Conflict | Western Front | |
Der Wehrstand im Volksmund | 1917 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Eastern Front | |
Der Weltkrieg (Vorkriegsliteratur) | n.d. | Propaganda and Recruitment | Eastern Front | |
Der Weltteufel. Kriegs-Satiren und Friedens-Ironien | 1916 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front | |
Deutsche Evangelische Gefangenen-Seelsorge im Weltkriege. Tätigkeits-Bericht des Hilfs-Ausschusses für Gefangenen-Seelsorge | 1921 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Deutsche Greueltaten in Frankreich, eine amtliche Untersuchung | 1916 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front | |
Deutsche Helden im Weltkrieg 1914-1916 | 1916 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Eastern Front | |
Deutsche Kriegsgedichte 1914/1915. Für den Gebrauch in Schulen | 1916 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front; Eastern Front; War at Sea; Home Front | |
Deutsche Kriegsschwänke 1914 | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Home Front | |
[Deutsche Menschenopfer] | 1916-1917 | A Global Conflict | Asia and the Pacific; Eastern Front | |
Deutscher Heldengeist im Weltkrieg. Gedichte | 1916 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Deutscher Heldenmut und Deutsche Tapferkeit | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Deutscher Kriegshumor. Wahrhaftige Anekdoten aus der Weltkrieg 1914 | 1914 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Home Front | |
Deutschland und Österreich | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Eastern Front | |
Deutschland, der Störenfried | 1916 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Neutrals | |
Deutschland, sein eigener Richter! Antwort eines kosmopoliten Schweizers auf die deutsche Propaganda zum Weltkrieg 1914 | 1917 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Eastern Front; Balkans | |
Deutschlands Morgenrot. Lieder und Gedichte zum Weltkrieg | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Eastern Front | |
Deutschlands Niederbruch: Ursachen und Wirkungen | 1919 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Home Front | |
Dichtung und Wahrheit aus dem Weltkriege. Aus Zeitungsabschnitten Zusgestellt | 1916 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front; Eastern Front; Home Front | |
Die Aushungerung Englands | n.d. | Propaganda and Recruitment | War at Sea; Home Front | |
Die Berufsbildung der Kriegsinvaliden in Württemberg | 1916 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Home Front | |
Die Berufsbildung der Kriegsinvaliden in Württemberg | 1916 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Die deutsche Propaganda in der Schweizer Presse | 1918 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Die Deutschfeindlichkeit Amerikas | c.1914 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Neutrals | |
Die Feldgrauen. Soldatenlieder | 1914 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front | |
Die Friedensbedingungen der deutschen Presse. Los von Reuter und Havas! | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Die Mache im Weltwahn. Schriften für Echten Frieden | 1916 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Die Mache im Weltwahn: Schriften für Echten Frieden. Propaganda und Wahrheit, die photographischen Dokumente | c.1922 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Die Meuterei der Hochseeflotte: ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Revolution | 1922 | Propaganda and Recruitment | War at Sea | |
Die Notprüfung. Ein ernstes Spiel aus grosser Zeit | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Home Front; Western Front | |
Die Palz im Krieg | n.d. | Propaganda and Recruitment | Eastern Front | |
Die Revanche-Tante und andere Kriegsvorträge zur Erheiterung in Lazaretten, Schützengraben und für Volksabende | n.d. | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Die revolutionäre Bewegung auf der deutschen Flotte, 1917-1918 | 1930 | Propaganda and Recruitment | War at Sea | |
Die sittliche Berechtigung der Verletzung der belgischen Neutralität | 1916 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front | |
Die Soldatenrunde. Eine Sammlung alter und neuer Lieder, nach bekannten Weisen zu singen | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Die stille Schlacht | n.d. | Personal Experiences | ||
Die stille Stunde. Dichtergrüsse für unsere Krieger im Felde über Daheim | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Die Verheerung Europas | n.d. | Personal Experiences | ||
Die Vernichtung der englischen Weltmacht und des russischen Zarismus durch den Dreibund und den Islam | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Die Wahrheit über den Propagandafeldzug und Deutschlands Zusammenbruch | 1927 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Eastern Front; Western Front; War at Sea; Home Front | |
Digger dialects | n.d. | Personal Experiences | ||
Dokumente der Schmach. Die deutsche Regierung als Anstifterin des Hoch- und Landesverrats | 1917 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Middle East | |
The Dominions and the Peace Conference: Clement Jones | 1920 | A Global Conflict | Home Front | |
Durch Not und Tod zum Sieg! Vaterländische Kriegsgedichte | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Eastern Front; Italian Front | |
Ein Lauernder Feind hinter der Front! Feldpostbrief | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Home Front | |
Ein Mitteleuropäischer Staatenverband | 1914 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Eiserne Poesie 1914. Neue Freiheitslieder | n.d. | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front; Eastern Front | |
Eiserne Wehr. Vortragsbuch für Kriegsfeierstunden und Volksabende | n.d. | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
England in France | n.d. | Personal Experiences | Home Front; Western Front | |
England in War-Time. A Three Weeks' Visit to England. October 1917 | 1918 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Home Front; War at Sea | |
England ind Kriegs zeiten. Von Einem Engländer | 1918 | Personal Experiences | Home Front | |
England und der U-Boot-Krieg | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | War at Sea | |
England Världens Lyckliggörare | 1918 | Propaganda and Recruitment | War at Sea; Western Front; Italian Front; Balkans | |
Engländer über England. Von einen hohen russischen Militär | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Englands Wachstum. Kriegshefte der Süddeutsche Monatshefte | April 1917 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Eastern Front | |
Englische Weltpolitik in englischer Beleuchtung | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Enlistment or Conscription? | 23 January 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Home Front | |
Entertaining the American Army: The American Stage and the Lyceum in the World War | 1921 | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | Home Front; Western Front; Neutrals | |
Everyman at War Sixty Personal Narratives of the War | 1914-1918; 1930 | Personal Experiences | Western Front; Middle East; War at Sea; War in the Air; Gallipoli | |
Exhibition of Samples of Women's Work and Official Photographs. Catalogue | 1918 | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | Home Front | |
The Experiences of a Recruiting Officer | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Home Front | |
Feldgesangbuch für die evangelische Mannschaften des Heeres | 1897 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Feldgrauer Humor. Mit zahlreichen Illustrationen herausgegeben von der Humoristischen Wochenschrift "die Muskete" | 1916 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Feldpredigerfahrten an der Westfront. Kriegserlebnisse aus grosser Zeit | 1916 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front | |
Feldsoldatensang in Flandern. Aus der Liller Kriegszeitung | October 1916 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front | |
Feuerschein. Novellen aus dem Weltkrieg | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Eastern Front | |
A Few Lines of Recent American History | 11 June 1917 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Neutrals | |
Field Entrenchments. Spadework for Riflemen | 1916 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front | |
The Fight for Right Pocket Book for 1918 | 1918 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front; Balkans; Eastern Front; Middle East; Neutrals; Africa | |
Fighting Starvation in Belgium | 1918 | A Global Conflict | Western Front; Home Front | |
The First Spoiling Notes and MSS of a Story of the Great War ... | n.d. | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | Home Front | |
Folgerungen aus dem Weltkriege | 1917 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front; Eastern Front | |
Food Laws … | 22 June 1918 | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | Home Front | |
Food Preparedness for the United States | June 1917 | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | Neutrals | |
Food Saving and Sharing | 1918 | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | Home Front; Western Front; Eastern Front | |
Frankreichs Wille zum Revanchekrieg | n.d. | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Franzos und Russ in Spiritus | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front; Eastern Front | |
Fred J. Empson - By-ways. | 1917 | A Global Conflict | Home Front | |
The Freedom of Jerusalem | 1918 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Middle East | |
Freedom’s Call and Duty | May-June 1918 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front | |
Frenzied Liberty. The Myth of "A Rich Man's War" | 14 January 1918 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Home Front | |
Fröhliche Heerfahrt! 600 lustige Aufschriften an Eisenbahnwagen | n.d. | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Fürs Heil'ge Vaterland. Ein Heimatgruss an unsere Krieger im Felde | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Home Front | |
The Future of our Disabled Sailors and Soldiers ... | c.1917 | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | ||
Geharnischte Sonette und andere Kriegsgedichte | 1914 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Eastern Front | |
German Grenades of the Great War | 1914-1918 | Personal Experiences | ||
The German Mauser Rifle Model of 1898 Its Use and Development In the World War | 1914-1918 | Personal Experiences | ||
German Prisoners in Great Britain | c.1917 | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | ||
Germanisches Erwachen! | March 1916 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
The Germans by Themselves | November 1914 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front | |
Germany her Own Judge. Reply of a Cosmopolitan Swiss to German Propaganda | 1918 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Eastern Front; Western Front; Balkans | |
Germany’s Lost Colonial Empire and the Essentials of Reconstruction | 1917 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Africa | |
Gesprenkelte Nesseln | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Eastern Front | |
The Girl in Industry | 1918 | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | ||
Gli Unni e Gli Altri | n.d. | Personal Experiences | ||
Gloria victoria. Kriegslieder | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
The Glory of Serbia | 10 December 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Balkans; Western Front | |
Goldenes Schauen. Heimatbilder für's Feld | 1916 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Home Front | |
Gott Strafe England! | n.d. | Personal Experiences | ||
Gott strafe England! Militär- und andere Humoresken | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Gottesoffenbarungen im deutschen Kriege 1914/1915 | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Home Front | |
Grandebouche sucht Spießgesellen. Neueste Kriegsberichte der Herren Grandebouche, Lausikoff, Plumpudding, Erb und Rinaldo Spaghetti von Karlchen | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Grandebouche und Lausikoff. Kriegsberichte von Karlchen | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
The Great Air Raids on England ... | c.1916 | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | Home Front | |
Great Britain and the War. A Book for Boys and Girls | 1916 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Home Front; Western Front | |
Great War 1914-1918, Russian Translations | 1914-1915 | A Global Conflict | Eastern Front | |
The Great War, Fourth Year | n.d. | Personal Experiences | Western Front; War in the Air | |
The Great War... I Was There! Part 46 | 1939 | Personal Experiences | Western Front; Balkans | |
The Great War... I Was There! Parts 1-10 | 1938 | Personal Experiences | Western Front; Gallipoli; War at Sea | |
The Great War... I Was There! Parts 11-20 | 1938-1939 | Personal Experiences | Western Front; Gallipoli; War at Sea; Africa | |
The Great War... I Was There! Parts 21-30 | 1939 | Personal Experiences | War at Sea; Western Front; Middle East; Balkans; Africa | |
The Great War... I Was There! Parts 31-41 | 1939 | Personal Experiences | Western Front; War at Sea; Middle East | |
Größer-Britanniens Heerfahrt. Wie die britischen Besitzungen im Kriege geholfen | 1917 | Propaganda and Recruitment | War at Sea; Western Front; War in the Air; Africa | |
Guerra alla Guerra | 1916 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
H Q Tanks, 1917-18 | 1917-1918 | Personal Experiences | Western Front | |
Habitations provisoires dans la Province d'Anvers | 1915 | A Global Conflict | Western Front; Home Front | |
Hacia el Este | 1916 | Personal Experiences | ||
Haltet aus! Parole für das Heimatheer | 1917 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Home Front | |
Hammer oder Amboss | 1916 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Hand Grenades a Handbook on Rifle and Hand Grenades | 1914-1918 | Personal Experiences | ||
Hand in Hand. Deutsch-Österreichische Kriegsgedichte | 1917 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
The Handbook of the French Army | 1914 | A Global Conflict | Western Front; Home Front | |
Handbook of the Hejaz Area | 26 February 1917 | A Global Conflict | Middle East | |
The Happy Warrior. Daily Thoughts for All who are Serving their Country | 1917 | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | Home Front | |
Heilige Flamme Glüh! | 1916 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Home Front | |
Heiliger Zorn 1914/1915. Kriegsdichtungen | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Heimatsbriefe der Köchin Anna Kwacktüpfel | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Home Front | |
Heiteres für ernste Zeit. Den österreichisch-ungarischen und deutschen verwundeten Kriegern in inniger Teilnahme gewidmet | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Heiteres für unsere Feldgrauen. Auf Anregung des Zentraldepots für Liebesgaben | n.d. | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Herbert Lowe Nown Fonds | 1893-1920 | Personal Experiences | Western Front | |
Hints on Training Territorial Infantry. From Recruit to Trained Soldier | 1913 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Home Front | |
"Historical Record of 125 Heavy Battery, R.G.A., in France" | April 1916 - November 1917 | Personal Experiences | Western Front | |
History of 1/6th Battalion of the Royal Warwickshire Regiment | 1922 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front; Italian Front | |
Honour to the Flag. French Musulmans’ Testimonies of Loyalty | 1916 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Middle East; Western Front | |
How Do We Stand Today? Speech Delivered by The Right Hon. H.H. Asquith, Prime Minister, in the House of Commons on the 2nd November, 1915 | 2 November 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front; Eastern Front; Balkans; Middle East | |
How the World-Madness was Engineered | n.d. | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Humor ins Feld! Aus Feldbriefen und dem Volksmund | n.d. | Propaganda and Recruitment | Home Front; Western Front; Eastern Front | |
Hurra und Halleluja. Kriegslieder | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
"I Was There".With the Yanks on the Western Front 1917-19. Together with Verses by Hilmar R. Baukhage | 1917-1919 | Personal Experiences | Western Front | |
The Illustrated Handbook of the Red Cross Hospitals: A Pictorial and Descriptive Record of the Red Cross Hospitals of Norwich and Norfolk | 1917 | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | Home Front | |
Im Purpur bei den Feldgrauen | 1916 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front | |
Im Schützengraben. Eine Sammlung von Gedichten aus der Feldzeitung der 54. Inf.-Div. | Christmas 1916 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front; Eastern Front | |
Im Wurschtkessel. Gepfefferte Worte und Bilder über unsere Feinde | 1916 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
In the King's Service | n.d. | Propaganda and Recruitment | Home Front | |
In the Land of Death | 1917 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Neutrals; Western Front | |
In Ruhleben. Letters from a Prisoner to his Mother … | 1917 | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | Western Front | |
In Waffen und Wahrheit! | 1914 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Indien unter der britischen Faust | 1916 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Infantry Drill Regulations (Provisional) American Expeditionary Forces, Part 1 | 1918 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Infantry Scouting: A Practical Manual for the Use of Scouts in Training at Home and at the Front | 1916 | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | ||
Inghilterra di Ieri, di Oggi, di Domani | 1917 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front; Home Front | |
Italia e Inghilterra | 1916 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Italian Front; Western Front; Home Front | |
Italian Artists and the War: Ernest Brown & Phillips, The Leicester Galleries | June - July 1916 | Personal Experiences | Western Front | |
J'accuse! Feuillets du Journal d'un soldat-homme de lettres | May 1915 - August 1915 | Personal Experiences | ||
Journal d'une Infirmière d'Arras | August - October 1914 | Personal Experiences | Western Front | |
Jovial Jottings from the Trenches | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front; Home Front | |
Jüdische Seelsorge an der Westfront | 1918 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front | |
Kaiser und Reich. Vaterländische Gedichte | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
The Kaiser's Garland: Cartoons | 1915 | Personal Experiences | ||
Kamerad komm! Soldaten und Vaterlandslieder. Mit Melodien | 1914 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Kameraden, hört! Kriegs-Vortragsbuch für Soldatische Kreise | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front; Eastern Front; War at Sea; War in the Air; Home Front | |
Kampf und Lachen | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front; War at Sea | |
Kato, Satori, A History of the War in Sixty-one Cartoons | n.d. | Personal Experiences | Asia and the Pacific; Western Front | |
King George's Hospital Photograph Album 1 | 1915-1916 | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | ||
King George's Hospital Photograph Album 2 | 1915-1918 | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | ||
King George's Hospital Photograph Album 3 | 1915-1916 | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | ||
Kitcheners Geheimnis. Heiteres über den Weltkrieg | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front; Eastern Front | |
Kleine Bilder aus grosser Zeit | 1917 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Home Front | |
Kriegsaufsätze | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Kriegserlebenisse eines deutschen Geschichtsprofessors in der Heimat | n.d. | Personal Experiences | ||
Kriegshumor aus Frauen- und Kindermund 1914/1915. Zur Erbauung von Alt und Jung, besonders unserer Feldgrauen | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Home Front | |
Kultur Cartoons, with a Foreword by H.G.Wells | n.d. | Personal Experiences | ||
La Calomnie par l'Image | 1916 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front; Eastern Front | |
La Certezza della Vittoria | 1917 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Italian Front; Western Front; Eastern Front; Balkans | |
La Grande Guerre par les Artistes | n.d. | Personal Experiences | Home Front; Western Front | |
La Guerra dell’Asino. Strenna | n.d. | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
La Guerra Europea | n.d. | Personal Experiences | ||
La guerra nella retrovie | 1917 | Personal Experiences | ||
Lachendes Heerlager. 600 Lustige Anschriften an Unterständen, Blockhäusern, Schützengräben, Schiffen usw. | n.d. | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front; Eastern Front; War at Sea | |
L'Aggressione della Germania | 1918 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front; Eastern Front | |
L'Artillerie en cent pages. Petit Manuel Illustré du Canonnier | 1913 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front | |
The Last Crusade | 17 September 1919 | Personal Experiences | Gallipoli; Middle East; War at Sea | |
The Latent Military Strength of India | 1914 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Lausikoff lügt weiter. Der Herren Grandebouche, Lausikoff, Plumpudding, Erb neueste Kriegsberichte von Karlchen | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front; Eastern Front; War at Sea | |
Le lieutenant de vaisseau C. Ballande. Extraits de ses lettres | 1914 | Personal Experiences | ||
Le Miracle Français. Second edition | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front | |
Le Nouvel Empire Germanique | 1917 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front; Eastern Front | |
The Lead Swinger. The Bivouac Journal of the 1/3 West Riding Field Ambulances, Volume 1 | September-December 1915 | Personal Experiences | Western Front | |
The Lead Swinger. The Bivouac Journal of the 1/3 West Riding Field Ambulances, Volume 2 | March 1916 - March 1919 | Personal Experiences | Western Front | |
Leeds in the Great War, 1914-1918. A Book of Remembrance | 1923 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Home Front; Western Front | |
Legiony Polskie | n.d. | Personal Experiences | ||
Les Armies Britanniques | n.d. | Personal Experiences | ||
Les Chefs-d’Oeuvre de la Propagande Allemande | 1919 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front; Eastern Front | |
Les Douze Commandements de Lord Curzon pour le Temps de Guerre | 1914 | Personal Experiences | ||
Les Grandes Heures | 1914-1915 | Personal Experiences | ||
Les Intrigues Anglaises Contre l’Islam | 1917 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Middle East | |
Les mutineries de la marine allemande, 1917-1918 | 1931 | Propaganda and Recruitment | War at Sea | |
Les mutineries de Mai-Juin 1917: il y a vingt ans | 1937 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front | |
L'Esprit Satirique en France | n.d. | Personal Experiences | ||
Lettre de l’Épiscopat Belge aux Cardinaux et aux Evêques d’Allemagne, de Bavière et d’Autriche | 24 November 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Neutrals | |
Lettres de Guerre (1914-18) | 1914-1918 | Personal Experiences | ||
Lettres de Prêtres aux Armées | 1916 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front | |
Liebe und Trompetenblasen. Lustige Soldaten- und Kriegslieder aus alter und neuester Zeit | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
The Lies of the Allies. First instalment, 1914-1915 | 1916 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Neutrals; Western Front | |
Liller Guckkasten | April 1918 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front | |
L'Imposture par l'Image | 1917 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front; Home Front | |
List of Barracks, Camps, etc ... | 1916 | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | ||
Louvain: A personal experience | n.d. | Personal Experiences | Western Front | |
Lusitania | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | War at Sea | |
L’Idée de Liberté en France et en Allemagne | n.d. | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
L’Inghilterra e i Suoi Critici | 1917 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front; Home Front | |
L’Islam dans l’Armée Française (Guerre de 1914-1915) | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Africa; Middle East; Western Front | |
Malice in Kulturland | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Home Front | |
Människovännen Wilson: En Modern Saga | n.d. | Personal Experiences | ||
Manual of Drill and Camping, For the St. John Ambulance Brigade. Compiled from the Manuals of Infantry Drill and R.A.M.C. Training, 1911 | n.d. | Propaganda and Recruitment | Home Front | |
Märchen Ohne Worte | n.d. | Personal Experiences | ||
The Martyred Towns: Rheims, Soissons, Senlis, Arras, Louvain | 19 February 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front | |
Massenverhetzung und Volkskrieg in Belgien | 1916 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front | |
Meine Diplomatenfahrt ins verschlossene Land | n.d. | Personal Experiences | ||
Meine Londoner Mission, 1912-1914 | 1918 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Members of the Commission for Relief in Belgium | 1917 | A Global Conflict | ||
Memoirs of General C C Akintievsky (Pt. 2) | 1917 | A Global Conflict | Eastern Front | |
Memoirs of General C. C. Akintievsky (Pt. 1) | 1914-1917 | A Global Conflict | Eastern Front | |
Memories of Delville Wood | 1918 | Personal Experiences | Western Front | |
Mesopotamia: The Key to the Future | 1917 | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | Middle East | |
Miguel y Pepe.Cuadros Humoristicos de la Guerra | n.d. | Personal Experiences | ||
Military Handbook on Palestine | 1917 | A Global Conflict | Middle East | |
The Mission of America and Other War-Time Speeches of Edgar A. Bancroft | 1927 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Neutrals; Western Front; Home Front | |
Mit Ernst und Scherz in den Krieg. Eisenbahnaufschriften aus der Zeit der ersten Truppenbeförderung | 1914 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Mit Gott für Kaiser und Reich! Volks- und Vaterlandslieder aus: Deutschlands Gegenwart und Vergangenheit | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Mit Gott für König und Vaterland! Worte an unsere tapferen Soldaten im Felde | 1916 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Modern War Paintings | November 1916 | Personal Experiences | War in the Air; Western Front | |
More Fragments from France. Vol. II | n.d. | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front | |
Mr Poilu, notes and sketches with the fighting French | n.d. | Personal Experiences | Western Front | |
"The Murderous Tyranny of the Turks" | 1917 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Balkans; Middle East | |
My War | n.d. | Personal Experiences | Western Front | |
Neue Kriegsaufsätze | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Neue Sache für zum lache, un' die Pälzisch Weltgeschicht für Soldate hergericht | 1916 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Eastern Front | |
The New Army in Training | 1915 | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | Home Front | |
New Methods in Infantry Training | October 1918 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Home Front | |
The New Position of Women in American Industry | 1920 | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | Home Front | |
The New Zealand Tunnelling Company, 1915-1919 | 1922 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front | |
Nibelungentreue. Kriegsgesänge | 1916 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
No-Conscription Fellowship. A Souvenir of its Work During the Years 1914-1919 | n.d. | Propaganda and Recruitment | Home Front | |
Norfolk and Norwich Hospital: Twelve Months' War Service | 1915 | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | ||
Notes from Calais Base | 1918 | Personal Experiences | Western Front | |
Notre Propagande | 1916 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Nursery Rhymes for Fighting Times | 1914 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Home Front | |
O Deutschland! Vaterland! Deutsche Kriegs- und Siegeslieder auf das Jahr 1914/1915 | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front; Eastern Front | |
Official History of the War, Military Operations: France and Belgium, 1918, The German Offensive, Fifth Army, 21-23 March | 21-23 March 1918 | Personal Experiences | Western Front | |
On active service with Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, Volume 1 | n.d. | Personal Experiences | Western Front | |
On active service with Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, Volume 2 | 1916-1917 | Personal Experiences | Western Front; Italian Front | |
On Foreign Service by T. T. Jeans | n.d. | Propaganda and Recruitment | War at Sea | |
On Waactive Service | n.d. | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | Home Front; Western Front | |
One Hundred War Cartoons from London Opinion | 1919 | Personal Experiences | Home Front; War at Sea; Western Front | |
Our Aeroplanes | 1917 | Propaganda and Recruitment | War in the Air | |
Our Allies. A Few Short Modest Words to Our Soldiers | May 1917 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front; Italian Front | |
Our Colonial Soldiers | n.d. | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Our Food Supply: Perils and Remedies | 1916 | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | Home Front | |
Our Girls in Wartime | n.d. | Propaganda and Recruitment | Home Front | |
Over the Threshold of War: Personal Experiences of the Great European Conflict | 1918 | Personal Experiences | Eastern Front; Western Front | |
"Pages Actuelles" 1914-1915, No. 2. Les Femmes et la Guerre de 1914 | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Home Front | |
"Pages Actuelles" 1914-1915, No. 36. L’Opinion Américaine et la Guerre | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
"Pages Actuelles" 1914-1915, No. 56. La Guerre. Telle Que l’Entendent les Américains et Telle Que l'Entendent les Allemands | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Home Front; Western Front | |
"Pages Actuelles" 1914-1916, No. 52. La Conduite des Armées Allemandes en Belgique et en France d'Après l'Enquête Anglaise | 1916 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Home Front | |
"Pages Actuelles" 1914-1916, No. 68. L’Allemagne, les Neutres, et le Droit des Gens | 1916 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
"Pages Actuelles" 1914-1916, No. 93. Un Peuple en Exil: La Belgique en Angleterre | 1916 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Home Front; Neutrals; Western Front | |
Papers of Col. F.D. Watney, The Queen's Royal West Surrey Regiment | 1902-1920 | Personal Experiences | Middle East; Gallipoli; Western Front | |
Papers of Evangeline Brandford Griffith | 1914-1919 | Personal Experiences | Home Front | |
Papers of Hermann Thomas | 1917 | Personal Experiences | ||
Papers of L.E. Chirney, 15th Battalion London Regiment | 1917-1919 | Personal Experiences | Western Front | |
Papers of Lieut. Cyril J. Wentworth, Royal Sussex Regiment | 1913-1916 | Personal Experiences | War at Sea; Gallipoli | |
Papers of Lieut. Eric Barlow | August 1914-1918 | Personal Experiences | Western Front | |
Papers of Lieut. Gerald Caldwell Siordet, 13th Rifle Brigade | n.d. | Personal Experiences | Western Front | |
Papers of Maj A. E. Alexander | 1914-1919 | Personal Experiences | Gallipoli; Western Front | |
Papers of Miss Thurstan (Red Cross nursing sister) | 1914-1918 | Personal Experiences | Eastern Front | |
Passions- und Ostergruss für deutsche Soldaten | 1916 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Patriotism ... | 1916 | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | ||
Patriotism and Production: More than Usual | January 1915 | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | Home Front | |
Peasant Cooperation and Agrarian Reform in Romania, by M.M. Knight, 1920 | 1920 | A Global Conflict | Balkans; Home Front | |
The Peek-A-Boos In Camp | n.d. | Propaganda and Recruitment | Home Front | |
The Peek-A-Boos in Camp | n.d. | Propaganda and Recruitment | Home Front | |
Plattdütsche Jungs in'n Krieg | n.d. | Propaganda and Recruitment | Eastern Front; Western Front | |
The Poison Growth of Prussianism. "Oh, Land of Now, oh, Land of Then" | 13 January 1918 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Neutrals; Western Front | |
Politische Ideale | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Pour le Droit et la Paix Dans les Balkans | 1919 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Balkans | |
Pourquoi l'Angleterre a Pris les Armes | 1914 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Balkans; Western Front; Eastern Front | |
Prayer Book for Jewish Sailors and Soldiers | 1916 | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | Western Front | |
Priests in the Firing Line | 1916 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front | |
Prison camp reports, 1918-1919 | 1916-1919 | A Global Conflict | Eastern Front; Home Front | |
Private Papers of Captain E W Hewish | 10 August 1914 - 4 February 1918 | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | Home Front; Western Front; Middle East; Eastern Front | |
Private Papers of Major General G Brunskill CB MC: Diary of a Liaison Officer in Italy in 1918 by C. H. Goldsmid | 1918 | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | Italian Front | |
Private Papers of Mrs M Brunskill Reid: Hints and Tips for Members of the O.T.C. | 1915 | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | ||
Private Papers of Mrs M Brunskill Reid: How to Learn the Morse Code … | n.d. | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | ||
Propaganda in Palestine. April to December, 1918 | December 1918 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Home Front; Middle East | |
A Public School in Wartime | 1916 | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | Home Front | |
Publications (various) | n.d. | Personal Experiences | Home Front; Western Front; War in the Air | |
Qui a Provoqué la Conflagration Européene? | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front; Balkans | |
Raemaekers' Cartoon History of the War: Volume 1 | 1914 | Personal Experiences | Western Front | |
Raemaekers' Cartoons. Land & Water Edition: Complete in 26 Parts | n.d. | Personal Experiences | ||
Railway Manual (War), 1911 | 1914 | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | Home Front | |
The Rally | n.d. | Propaganda and Recruitment | Italian Front | |
Rapid Training of a Company for War | 1915 | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | Home Front | |
Rations, Rationing and Food Control | 1918 | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | Home Front | |
Rebuilding Britain: A Survey of Problems of Reconstruction after the World War | 1918 | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | Home Front | |
Records of Railway Interests in the War [Parts 1-4] | 1914-1917 | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | ||
Réponses à Pierre Loti, Ami des Massacreurs | 1919 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Middle East | |
Reports of the Civil Aerial Transport Committee with Appendices | 1918 | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | ||
Reports of the Departmental Committee on Juvenile Education in Relation to Employment After the War | 1916-1917 | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | ||
The Responsibility of the War; French Thought in Alsace-Lorraine | 27 January; 10 February 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front | |
Reveille: devoted to the disabled sailor and soldier, number 1 | August 1918 | Personal Experiences | ||
Reveille: devoted to the disabled sailor and soldier, number 2 | November 1918 | Personal Experiences | ||
Reveille: devoted to the disabled sailor and soldier, number 3 | February 1919 | Personal Experiences | ||
Rules Governing Train Operation | 1 June 1918 | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | ||
Scherz und Kurzweil für unsere Feldgrauen | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Schwarz-Gelb und Schwarz-Weisss-Rot. Kriegsgedichte Band 1 | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Scraps of paper: German Proclamations in Belgium and France | 1916 | A Global Conflict | Western Front | |
Sechs Kriegsreden des Reichskanzlers | 1916 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Home Front; Western Front; Eastern Front | |
The Sentiments of Sofia: Illustrated by Reproduction of Bulgarian War Cartoons | March 1919 | Personal Experiences | Balkans | |
Serbia and the Serbians | 21 February 1915 | Personal Experiences | Balkans; Gallipoli | |
A Seven Years' Record of the Society of Bellevue Hospital ... | 1922 | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | Home Front; Western Front; Balkans | |
The Seventh Manchesters, July 1916 to March 1919 | 1920 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Middle East; Western Front; Gallipoli | |
Shall We Go On? A Socialist’s Answer | 28 February 1918 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front | |
Signalling … | 1916 | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | ||
Sinn Fein Rebellion Handbook, Easter 1916 | 8 August 1916 | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | Home Front | |
Sir John William McNee Fonds | 1915-1928 | Personal Experiences | ||
Sir Roger Casement's diaries | 1904-1922 | Personal Experiences | ||
Six Days of the Irish Republic | 1916 | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | Home Front | |
The Slogan. Side-Lights on Recruiting with Harry Lauder's Band | n.d. | Propaganda and Recruitment | Home Front | |
So geht es! Heiteres aus ernster Zeit | 1916 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Soldiers All: Portraits and Sketches of the Men of the A.E.F | 1920 | Personal Experiences | ||
A soldier's diary | 1914-1940 | Personal Experiences | Home Front; War in the Air; Western Front | |
The soldiers' war slang dictionary | 1914-1918 | Personal Experiences | ||
Some Australian Common Sense Views. No.5 | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Home Front | |
Some Chaplains in Khaki. An Account of the Work of Chaplains of the United Navy and Army Board | 1916 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front | |
Some 'Frightful' War Pictures | 1915 | Personal Experiences | ||
Some impressions of an officer | 28 February 1916 - 8 May 1916 | Personal Experiences | Middle East | |
Source Records of the Great War, Volume I | 1923 | Personal Experiences | Western Front; Eastern Front | |
Source Records of the Great War, Volume II | 1914, 1923 | Personal Experiences | Western Front; Eastern Front; Asia and the Pacific | |
Source Records of the Great War, Volume III | 1915, 1923 | Personal Experiences | Western Front; Eastern Front; Asia and the Pacific; Italian Front | |
Source Records of the Great War, Volume IV | 1916, 1923 | Personal Experiences | Western Front; Eastern Front; Middle East; Italian Front | |
Source Records of the Great War, Volume V | 1917, 1923 | Personal Experiences | Western Front; Eastern Front; Middle East; Italian Front | |
Source Records of the Great War, Volume VI | 1918, 1923 | Personal Experiences | Western Front; Eastern Front; Italian Front | |
Source Records of the Great War, Volume VII | 1918-1919, 1923 | Personal Experiences | Western Front | |
A Souvenir for Visitors to the British Front | n.d. | Personal Experiences | Western Front | |
A Souvenir of London and the 3rd London General Hospital | n.d. | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | ||
Souvenir of the Second A. A. Hospital, Southall | n.d. | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | ||
Speeches and writings: Articles by Vernon Kellogg | 1916-1921 | A Global Conflict | Western Front | |
Statistical Abstract of Information Regarding the Armies at Home and Abroad, 1914-1920 | June 1920 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Home Front; Western Front; Eastern Front; Balkans; Italian Front; War at Sea; Asia and the Pacific; Africa; Italian Front; War in the Air; Gallipoli; Middle East; Neutrals | |
Still More Bystander Fragments from France. Vol. III | 1916 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front | |
The Story of British V.A.D. Work in the Great War | n.d. | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | Home Front; Western Front | |
Sturm und Sieg. Vaterländische Gedichte im Geiste Rückerts und Arndts | 1914 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front; Eastern Front | |
Swindon's War Record | 1922 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Home Front; Western Front; Asia and the Pacific; Middle East; Gallipoli | |
Syllabus of Infantry Training as Suggested by Notes on Company Training. Issued by the General Staff and Adopted by 52nd Overseas Battalion Canadian Expeditionary Force | May 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Tanks in Action | n.d. | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front | |
Testament of Youth "Preliminaries to Publication 1933" | 1933 | Personal Experiences | Home Front; Western Front | |
The Thistle. Scottish Women's Hospitals for Foreign Service Souvenir Book, Volume 1 | November 1916 | Personal Experiences | Western Front | |
The Thistle. Scottish Women's Hospitals for Foreign Service Souvenir Book, Volume 2 | November 1917 | Personal Experiences | Western Front | |
Three days in France | 28-31 August 1914 | Personal Experiences | Western Front | |
Todmorden and the Great War, 1914-1918: A Local Record | 1922 | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | Home Front; Gallipoli; Middle East; Western Front | |
Told in Gallant Deeds. A Child's History of the War | 1917 | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | Western Front; Eastern Front; Home Front; War at Sea; War in the Air | |
Tommy's ABC | June 1916 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Home Front; Western Front | |
Totentanz 1914/15 | 1914-1915 | Personal Experiences | ||
Treue Wacht, No. 3284 | c.1914 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front | |
A Trip to Germany During Wartime | 1915 | Personal Experiences | Western Front; War at Sea | |
Turkish Bible and Book | February 1917; 29 April 1918 | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | Middle East | |
Über Zeit und Dichtung | 1916 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Eastern Front | |
Un Peuple Calomnié. Réponse à "Miséricorde!" … | 1919 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Balkans | |
Unerschütterlich bereit! | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
United States Base Hospital No. 20 Collection | 1918-1920 | Personal Experiences | Western Front | |
Unser gemeinsamer Krieg | 1915 | Personal Experiences | Western Front | |
Unser Vormarsch bis zur Marne | n.d. | Personal Experiences | ||
Unsere Feinde, Wie sie Einander Lieben | 1914 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Urwäldern Paraguays zur Fahne von Ernesto Freiherrn Gedult von Jungenfeld | n.d. | Personal Experiences | ||
Vaincre Pour Vivre | 1918 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Italian Front; Western Front | |
The Vanguard of American Volunteers ... | 1918 | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | Western Front; Balkans | |
Vaterland und Freiheit. 52 Kriegslieder 1914/1915 | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Vaterland, Heilig Land. Kriegslieder | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Vaterländische Gemeindeabende in Gesängen und Gedichten | 1916 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Ville Libre de Dantzig | 1920-1932 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Visiones de Guerra | 1914 | Personal Experiences | ||
Völkerdämmerung im Stillen Ozean | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Asia and the Pacific; War at Sea | |
The Volunteer Force and the Volunteer Training Corps ... | 1920 | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | ||
Von der Front, für die Front. Ernste und heitere Kriegsgedichte | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Home Front; Western Front; Eastern Front | |
Vorwärts mit Gott für Kaiser und Reich. Kriegsgedichte | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Walki I Brygady, 1914-1915 | 1914-1915 | Personal Experiences | ||
War and the Workers ... | 1915 | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | ||
War Posters Issued by Belligerent and Neutral Nations, 1914-1919. Selected and Edited by Martin Hardie and Arthur K. Sabin | 1920 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Home Front; Western Front; Eastern Front | |
War Record of the Great Western Railway | 1922 | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | Home Front | |
War Wire | 1916 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front | |
Warum die Flotte zerbrach. Kriegestagebuch eines christlichen Arbeiters | 1927 | Propaganda and Recruitment | War at Sea | |
Warum wir Krieg führen. Grossbritanniens Rechtsstandpunkt | 1914 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front | |
Was ich in England sah 1918 | 1918 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Home Front; War in the Air; War at Sea | |
Was ich in mehr als 80 Schlachten und Gefechten erlebte | n.d. | Personal Experiences | ||
A Watch Dog of the North Sea | n.d. | Propaganda and Recruitment | War at Sea | |
Weihnachten im Weltkriege 1914 | n.d. | Propaganda and Recruitment | Eastern Front | |
Welfare and Housing: A Practical Record of War-Time Management | 1918 | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | ||
Weltwende: Weltkriegsschaupiel in einem Aufzug | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
The Western Front. Volume 1 | November 1916 - June 1917 | Personal Experiences | Western Front | |
The Western Front. Volume 2 | 1917 | Personal Experiences | War at Sea; Western Front | |
Why America is in the War. An Address by Jacob Gould Schurman | 30 May 1917 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Balkans; Neutrals; Western Front | |
Wider die Welt ins Feld! Deutsche Kriegslieder | August 1914 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Wie lieb ich dich, mein Sachsenland! Ein langer fröhlicher Feldpostbrief aus der Heimat an jene, die sich nach ihr Sehnen | 1918 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Home Front | |
Wie wir belogen wurden, die amtliche Irreführung des deutschen Volkes | 1918 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Home Front | |
Wie wir im Kriege leben | 1916 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Home Front | |
Wien'rische Leut' in Krieg'rischer Zeit. Humoresken aus dem Hinterland | 1917 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Home Front | |
Willkommen Tapf'rer Krieger! Begrüßungs und Gelegenheitsgedichte in reicher Auswahl zu feiern aller Art | 1916 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Home Front | |
With our Heroes in Khaki. The Story of Christian Work With Our Soldiers and Sailors and Some of its Results | 1918 | Propaganda and Recruitment | Western Front; Middle East; War at Sea; Gallipoli | |
With Riflemen, Scouts and Snipers | 1914-1919 | Personal Experiences | Home Front; Western Front | |
Women of Belgium: Turning Tragedy to Triumph | 1917 | A Global Conflict | Western Front; Home Front | |
Women Workers: The Papers Read at the Conference Held in London, October 4th to 7th, 1915 | 1915 | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | Home Front | |
Y.M.C.A. New Testament Bible Belonging to Arthur Brown | 24 June 1917; 23 July 1917 | Visual Perspectives and Narratives | War at Sea | |
A young soldier in France | 1915 | Personal Experiences | Western Front | |
Zum Jahrestag des Welkrieges. Ein Gruss der heimatlichen Kirche ihren Gliedern im Felde | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment | ||
Zum Weltvolk hindurch! | 1915 | Propaganda and Recruitment |