
1,000,000 Shilling Fund – The Belgian Soldiers' Fund 1915-1916 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front; Neutrals
4th Auxiliary Hospital, Moseley: Programme for Christmas Nineteen Hundred and Sixteen 1916 Visual Perspectives and Narratives
84th General Hospital, Dar-es-Salaam - Red Cross Our Day : Vanity Fair. 7 September 1918 A Global Conflict Africa
A.P. No. 70. Confiance!! n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
Activities of the U.S. YMCA November 1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front; Western Front
Aerial Propaganda June 1918 - October 1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Middle East
Aerial Propaganda 1917-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Western Front; Balkans; Home Front; War at Sea; Middle East; Eastern Front; Italian Front
Air Service Calls for Men n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Neutrals; War in the Air
Air Service US Army n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Neutrals
An alle Vertrauensleute und Redner 12 October 1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
"All's fair in Love and War" (In Liebe und Krieg ist alles erlaubt) n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Neutrals
Aluminium Kupfer Messing Nickel Zinn ist genug im Lande! 31 October 1917 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
The American Women's War Hospital n.d. Visual Perspectives and Narratives Home Front
America's Tribute to the Allied Blind May 1918 Visual Perspectives and Narratives Home Front; Western Front
Amerika - Deutschland. Flugzettel April 1917 - October 1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front; Neutrals; Western Front; Eastern Front; Balkans; War at Sea
Amerika lehnt jedes Friedensangebot ab! Flugblatt betreffend einen Artikel aus der Morning Post 27 July 1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front; Neutrals
Amerikaner! Aufruf an die amerikanische Nation 1915 Propaganda and Recruitment Neutrals; Eastern Front
Amerikanische Arbeiter für Vernichtung Deutschlands 15 July 1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front; Neutrals
Anhalt zur Erläuterung der täglichen Admiralstabsberichte über versenkten Schiffsraum January 1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
Another word to the Protestant Christian Abroad. Von zahlreichen hohen protestantischen deutschen Geistlichen unterzeichnet 20 November 1914 Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front; Western Front
The Answer to the Call. The Jewish Welfare Board November 1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front; Western Front
The Anti-German Union, No. 2. No German Labour, No German Goods, No German Influence, Britain for the British n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
The Anti-German Union, No. 3. British Wages for British Pockets n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
The Anti-German Union, No. 4. Are You Pro-German? n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
The Anti-German Union, No. 5. Shall Our Men Die in Vain? No Drawn War! No Deluding Peace! n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
The Anti-German Union, No. 7. The Intelligence Department n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
Appel de la Ligue des Mères de Famille aux Enfants de France n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
Arbeiter! Soldaten! Die Weihnachtsstreiche der Spartakusgruppe führen direkt in den Abgrund, Nieder mit der Diktatur der Anarchisten! c.1919 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
Army Forms B. 218M and B. 218P 10 November 1914 - 15 June 1915 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
Arrangements made by the B.R.C.S. and Order of St. John of Jerusalem for relatives visiting sick or wounded Officers in France. n.d A Global Conflict Western Front
Arrangements made by the B.R.C.S. and Order of St. John of Jerusalem for relatives visiting sick or wounded Officers in France. (2 booklets) February 1917 A Global Conflict Western Front
Auf dem Schlachtfelde (Erlebnis eines deutschen Offiziers) n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
Auf die Deiche! Zur Ablehnung unseres Friedensangebots. Von Gustav Frenssen n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
Auf einen groben Klotz 9 September 1917 Propaganda and Recruitment
Aufklärungsdienst in Württemberg. Nachrichten des Aufklärungs-Offiziers des Stellvertretendes Generalkommandos XIII (Kgl. Württ) Armeekorps, No's. 1-30 23 September 1917 - 7 November 1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
Aufruf an alle Frauen von einer Amerikanerin June 1915 Propaganda and Recruitment Neutrals
Aufruf an das deutsche Volk … 1914 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
Aufruf der Deutschen Vaterlands Partei n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
Aufruf des Alldeutschen Verbandes c.1917 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
Aufruf an die amerikanischen Bürger nebst dem Geleit-Brief an den Präsidenten Woodrow Wilson zum Protest gegen die schiefgewickelte U.S.A.-Neutralität 1915 Propaganda and Recruitment
Aufruf an die deutsche Presse 1 October 1914 Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
Aufruf Hindenburgs an das Heer 15 September 1915 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front; Eastern Front
Aufruf zum Eintritt als Freiwilliger c.1919 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
Aufruf! Deutsche Männer, deutsche Frauen, erinnert Euch! June 1918 Propaganda and Recruitment
Aus dem Kriegstagebuch eines Kruppdirektors August 1914 Propaganda and Recruitment
Austria-Hungary War Loans 1916 Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
Aviation. You May Enlist or Re-enlist n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Neutrals; War in the Air
Belgische Propaganda 1914-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Neutrals; Western Front
Belgischer Fliegerabwurf in vlamischer sprache n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front; Neutrals
Belgium. I: A Nation n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment
Belgium. IV: The Resistance of the Civil Population n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment
Besteht in Deutschland ein Mangel an Ansiedlungslustiger? 29 April 1916 Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
Bombard your Friends with Serviceable Gifts – "Diamond" Brand Aluminium Cooking Utensils n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
Bremer Sturmtage 1919 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
Briefe aus Deutschland 1916 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
Brutal Oppression of Serbians by Bulgaria n.d. Visual Perspectives and Narratives Balkans
Budget 1915 ... W D & H O Wills 1 December 1915 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
Bunte Kriegsbilderbogen. General Geldmarschall Havenstein c.1915-1916 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
Bunte Kriegsbilderbogen. "U 9" c.1915-1916 Propaganda and Recruitment War at Sea
Bunte Kriegsbilderbogen. Unser großer Generalstab c.1915-1916 Propaganda and Recruitment
Bunte Kriegsbilderbogen. Vom dummen Michel c.1915-1916 Propaganda and Recruitment
C.G.G. NAAFI Operated Clubs in the British Zone of Germany [2 Copies] n.d. Visual Perspectives and Narratives Western Front
Catalogue of an Exhibition of Wounded Soldier's Drawings 31 December 1917 Visual Perspectives and Narratives
Ce Que Nous Voulons! n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front; Western Front
Christmas Greetings n.d. Visual Perspectives and Narratives Home Front
Christmas Vacation Report. Dame Europa's School n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Western Front
Church Parade of the 172nd (West Ham) Brigade R.F.A 20 June 1915 Visual Perspectives and Narratives Home Front
A Collection of German Propaganda Leaflets 1914-1917 Propaganda and Recruitment Western Front
A Collection of Propaganda Leaflets in Various Languages c.1915-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Western Front; Italian Front; Middle East; Eastern Front
A Collection of Sixty Five German Propaganda Leaflets c.1917 Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front; Western Front; Middle East; Italian Front; Asia and the Pacific
Comité National d'Action pour la Réparation intégrale des Dommages causés par la Guerre April 1917 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
Comité National de Secours et d'Alimentation: Circulars and correspondence 7 June 1915 - 4 August 1916 A Global Conflict Western Front; Home Front
Concert and Theatre Programs: I (Reimer Collection) 1915-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Western Front; Eastern Front
Concert and Theatre Programs: II (Reimer Collection) Performances for German troops 1914-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Western Front; Eastern Front
Concert and Theatre Programs: II (Reimer Collection) Prisoners of War 1914-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Western Front
Contamination of Crops by War Gases: Effects and Treatment n.d. Visual Perspectives and Narratives Home Front
County of East Suffolk Revised Instructions for the Guidance of the Civil Population in the Event of a Landing by the Enemy on the Coast 1 March 1916 Visual Perspectives and Narratives Home Front
Crush the Kaiser with Cash! April 1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Neutrals; Home Front
Das Buch der Stunde! Ein Holländer für einen deutschen Frieden! Für die Massen daheim und an der Front! Warum und wie muss Deutschland annektieren? n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment
An das deutsche Volk und seine Führer n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
Das Deutschtum in den Ostseeprovinzen n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
Das englische Kreigsziel. Zur Aufklärung unserer Soldaten 18 May 1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
Das Gruene Kreuz Internationale Union n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
An das württembergische Volk! 11 November 1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
Dear Tommy … 1917 Propaganda and Recruitment
The Debt we Owe to War's Victims 12 November 1916 Visual Perspectives and Narratives Home Front; Western Front
Demobilisation Documents [Blue Folder] 1916-1921 Visual Perspectives and Narratives
Den braven Kämpfern! n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front; Western Front; Eastern Front
Den engelske Verdensmagts og den russiske Zarismes Tilintetgørelse 1915 Propaganda and Recruitment Neutrals; Eastern Front
Denkschrift der in Deutschland lebenden Livländer, Estländer und Kurländer an den deutschen Reichstag. Als Handschrift vervielfältigt 2 January 1916 Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
Denkschrift des Komitees zum Schutze der Rechte der mohammedanischen türkisch-tartarischen Völker Russlands n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Balkans; Eastern Front; Middle East
Der Entscheidung entgegen! n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
Der Kampf um den Frieden! n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
Der Kampf zwischen Rom und Karthago als Beweis für die Notwendigkeit des Durchhaltens gegen England. Von Kanonier Paul Alicke. (Stellvertretendes GeneralKommando XII) n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment
Der Massenstreik und seine Urheber 1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
Der Segen des Krieges n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
"Der Stern". No. 2 n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
"Der Völkerfriede". No's. 2, 6, 7, 9, 10, 28 2 January 1917 - 9 February 1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front; Western Front; Home Front
The Desolation that was Serbia n.d. Visual Perspectives and Narratives Balkans
Deutsche Flugzettel (Fliegerabwürfe an der Westfront) 1914-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Western Front; Home Front; Eastern Front
Deutsche Gedanken 1916 Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
Deutscher, Kennst Du Dein Vaterland? Flugblatt der Zeitung der 10. Armee n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
Deutsches Gebet. Kanzelrede Gehalten am 6 Oktober 1918 in der Evangelische Reformierten Kirche zu Leipzig 1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
Deutsches Volk wach auf! n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
Deutschland - Amerika. Leaflets 1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front; Western Front; Neutrals
Deutschland am Rande des Abgrundes n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment War at Sea; Home Front
Deutschland in der Notwehr gegen Ueberfall, Barbarei und Heuchelei 4 October 1914 Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
Deutschlands Kriegsziel 1916 Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
Deutschlands Lage vor der Entscheidung. Aus einer Rede des Staataministers 11 March 1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
Deutschlands Seemacht n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
An die Arbeiter! n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
Die deutsche Niederlage. Eine Phantasie … n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
Die deutsche Republik 1923 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
Die deutsche Wehrpflicht. Jahre Geschichte und Entwicklung n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
An die deutschen Soldaten 1914-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment
Die entscheidende Bedeutung des Unterseeboot-Krieges n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front; War at Sea
"Die Fackel". No. 4 28 December 1917 Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front; Western Front; Home Front
Die Kaiserrede in Essen 11 September 1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
Die Kanzlerrede vom 22 Februar 1917 22 February 1917 Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front; Neutrals
Die Kriegsnahrungsrede (Materialien zur Vorbereitung) n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
Die Mitwirkung der Marine im Weltkriege … 8 October 1917 Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front; Western Front; War at Sea
Die Notwendigkeit der Gewinnung von Siedlungsland 21 June 1915 Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
Die Offensive des Wortes. Von einem Neutralen 1917 Propaganda and Recruitment Neutrals; Eastern Front; Western Front
Die Politik der Vereinigten Staaten n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Neutrals
An die Proletarier Württembergs! c.1919 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
Discours du Chancelier de l'Empire, M. von Bethmann-Hollweg 1915 Propaganda and Recruitment Western Front; Eastern Front; Neutrals; Balkans
Dissemination of Enemy Propaganda in the UK, 1914-1918 1915-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front; Western Front; Eastern Front; Neutrals
Diverse Flugblätter 1914-1917 Propaganda and Recruitment Balkans; Neutrals; Western Front; Eastern Front; Italian Front
Dokumente über den Krieg. Pariser Handelskammer. No's. 10, 14,17, 36-37, 70 April 1915 - October 1917 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front; Western Front; Eastern Front; Italian Front; Africa
Effects of British and German Propaganda on the US 1 March 1918 - 11 December 1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Neutrals; Western Front
Ein Aufruf der Feldgrauen an die Kameraden in der Heimat. Flugblatt des Infanterie-Regiments Königsberg n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front; Western Front
Ein Ausbruch wilden Deutschenhasses! Flugblatt betrifft einen Artikel der National Review June 1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
Ein klassisches Zeugnis. The Last Spring of the Old Lion. By Bernard Shaw. Übersetzung: Der letzte Sprung des alten Löwen n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front; Western Front
Ein Soldatenbrief n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
Ein Wort an deutsche Soldaten, Furcht? n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
Ein Zeitgeschichtliches Dokument 1914 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front; Western Front
Eine Begegnung in der Gartenanlage vor dem Weissen Haus in Washington 1915 Propaganda and Recruitment
Eine Sammlung von Zahlen und Tatsachen für den vaterländischen Unterricht n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
Eine Stimme aus dem Felde über Belgien n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front; Western Front
Einladung und Leitsätze der "Freien Vereinigung führender Männer zur Beratung der nationalen Friedensziele", Karlsruhe 21 December 1915 Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front; Western Front
England in Nöten. Hilferuf Englands an Amerika n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Western Front; Neutrals
Englisch-französische Fliegerabwürfe in deutscher Sprache 1914-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Balkans; Eastern Front; Western Front; War at Sea; Middle East
Entertainments. Use of the Cinema for Propaganda by the Government 24 January 1917 - 11 March 1920 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
Entscheidung und Protest 1915 Propaganda and Recruitment Neutrals; Western Front
Entweder … Oder? n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment
Erklärung. Flugblatt zur Verspottung des Pacifismus 1917 Propaganda and Recruitment
Europa's Zukunftskarte, Ein Traumgebilde unserer Feinde! Traumgebilde des deutschen Landwehrmanns Kutschke! c.1915 Propaganda and Recruitment
Every Girl Pulling for Victory n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front; Western Front
An Excellent Opportunity. Obtain an Appointment to the United States Military Academy 8 June 1917 Propaganda and Recruitment Neutrals
A Farewell Word 13 August 1914 Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front; Neutrals; Western Front
The Fatherland Books for September 1916 1916 Propaganda and Recruitment
Feindliche Brüder n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
Finger-Posts Pointing to Abstinence n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front; Western Front; Eastern Front
Finnland n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
First Army Thanksgiving Service for the Victory Granted to the Allies in North Africa n.d. Visual Perspectives and Narratives Africa
Flugblatt des Kyffhäuser-Bundes der Deutschen Landes-Kriegerverbände n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment
Flugblätter des deutschen Armee-Oberkommandos als Entgegnungen auf die Flugblätter der Entente Propaganda n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Western Front; Home Front; Eastern Front
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 1. Le Clairon du Roi, No's. 1-12 and 2e Année, No. 3 1914-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Western Front
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 10. Die Wahrheit über Elsass-Lothringen 1914-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Western Front
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 11 1914-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Western Front
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 12 1914-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Western Front
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 13 1914-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Western Front; Balkans
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 14. Die Feldpost, No's. 1-12 and Frankfurter Zeitung, No. 209 1915-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Western Front; Eastern Front; Balkans; Italian Front
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 15. Das freie deutsche Wort, No's. 1-20 1917 Propaganda and Recruitment Western Front; Eastern Front; Home Front
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 16. Das freie deutsche Wort, No's. 21-40 1917-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Western Front; Eastern Front; Home Front
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 17 1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front; Balkans
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 18 1916-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Western Front; Balkans; Home Front
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 19. Der Kampf, No's. 3 and 20, Kriegsblätter für das deutsche Volk, No's. 13-30 1916-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Western Front; Home Front
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 2 1914-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Western Front
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 20 1914-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Western Front; Home Front; Eastern Front; Middle East; Balkans
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 21 1914-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front; Western Front; War at Sea
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 22 1914-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front; Western Front
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 23 1914-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Middle East
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 24 1914-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Balkans; Eastern Front; Western Front
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 25 1914-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Western Front
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 26. La Vérité sur l'Alsace-Lorraine, No's. 1-2, 4, 6-8 1914-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Western Front
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 27. Lettres à Tous les Français, No's. 1-12 1914-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Western Front; Eastern Front
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 28. La Voix du Pays, No's. 1-20 1915-1916 Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front; Western Front; Italian Front; Balkans
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 29. La Voix du Pays, No's. 21-40 1916-1917 Propaganda and Recruitment Western Front; Italian Front; Eastern Front; Balkans
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 3 1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Western Front
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 30. La Voix du Pays, No's. 41-76 1917-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Western Front; Eastern Front; Italian Front; Balkans; Middle East
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 30a. Gazette des Ardennes. 2e Année, No's. 154, 160, 182, 208 and Édition Spéciale Illustré, No. 12 1916 Propaganda and Recruitment Western Front; Eastern Front; Italian Front; War at Sea
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 31 1 August 1915 Propaganda and Recruitment Western Front
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 32. Rodacy! 1914-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Western Front
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 33. Le Courrier de l'Air, No's. 3, 7, 19-21, 23-27, 29, 33-34, 40, 52-54, 57, 59-63, 65 1917-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Western Front; Eastern Front; Italian Front; War in the Air; Neutrals
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 34. La Lettre du Soldat à Ceux du Pays Envahi, No's. 1, 3-14, 16-18, 20 1917-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Western Front; Eastern Front; Italian Front; Middle East
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 35 1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Western Front; Middle East
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 36 1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Western Front; Home Front
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 37 1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Western Front; War at Sea; Balkans; Middle East; Italian Front
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 38 1917-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front; Western Front
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 39 1918 Propaganda and Recruitment War at Sea; Western Front; Eastern Front; Home Front
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 4 1914-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Western Front
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 40 1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Western Front; War at Sea; Italian Front; Home Front
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 41 1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Western Front; Home Front; War at Sea
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 42. Prisoner of War Letters 1917-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front; Western Front
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 43. Prisoner of War Letters 1916-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front; Western Front
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 44 1914-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Western Front; Middle East; Africa; Balkans
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 45 1914-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Western Front; Middle East
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 46 1914-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment War at Sea; Western Front; Middle East
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 47 1914-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Western Front; Eastern Front; War at Sea; Middle East
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 48 February 1916 Propaganda and Recruitment Balkans; Middle East
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 49 1915-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Balkans; Western Front; Italian Front
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 5 1914-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front; Middle East
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 50 1915-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Italian Front
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 51 1915-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Balkans; Western Front; Eastern Front
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 52 1915-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Western Front; Italian Front
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 53 1915-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Italian Front
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 53a 1915-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Italian Front
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 54 1915-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Italian Front; Eastern Front
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 55 1915-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Italian Front
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 56 1915-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front; Balkans; Italian Front
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 57. Az osztrák paráncsnokság nem szól nektek … 1915-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Italian Front
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 58 1915-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Italian Front; Western Front
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 59 1915-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Italian Front; Western Front
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 6 1915-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Italian Front
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 60 1915-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Italian Front; Western Front
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 61 1915-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Western Front; Italian Front
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 62 1915-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Italian Front; Eastern Front; Western Front
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 63 1915-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Italian Front; Western Front
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 64 1915-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Italian Front; Western Front; Eastern Front
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 65 1915-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Italian Front; Eastern Front; Western Front
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 66 1914-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 67 1914-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Middle East; Eastern Front; Home Front
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 68 1914-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front; Home Front; Italian Front
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 69 1914-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front; Western Front; Home Front
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 7 1914-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front; War at Sea; Balkans
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 70. Der Völkerfriede, No's. 1-11, 13, 15, 18, 28 1917-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front; Home Front
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 71. Welt-Revolution, No's. 16, 37, 39, 43, 46, 48-54 1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front; Home Front
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 72. Narodom Avstro-Ogrske! August 1914 Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 73 1917-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Western Front; Home Front
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 74 1917-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Western Front
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 75 1914-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 8 1915-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Middle East
Flugblattsammlung: Folder 9 1914-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Western Front
Flugschrift der Presse-Abteilung Ober-Ost n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
Food Emergency Demonstrations. Lesson IV – Meat Savers 1 December 1917 Visual Perspectives and Narratives Home Front
For Serbia n.d. Visual Perspectives and Narratives Balkans
For the Sound and the Sick n.d. Visual Perspectives and Narratives Home Front; Western Front; Middle East; Africa
A Form of Humble Prayer to Almighty God 3 January 1915 Visual Perspectives and Narratives Home Front
Form of Intercession Service 4-6 August 1916 Visual Perspectives and Narratives Home Front
Form of Prayer to be Used at the Special Service of Penitence and Prayer in the Parish Church of Wimbledon 5 January 1918 Visual Perspectives and Narratives Home Front
A Form of Thanksgiving and Prayer … 6 July 1919 Visual Perspectives and Narratives Home Front
Forms of Prayer for Public Use in Time of War August 1914 Visual Perspectives and Narratives Home Front; War at Sea
Fourth Anniversary of the Declaration of War. Form of United Service of Intercession 4 August 1918 Visual Perspectives and Narratives Home Front
Français! 26 July 1916 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
Franco-British Colony for Convalescents May 1919 A Global Conflict Western Front
Frankreich und das oesterreichische Friedensangebot n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front; Western Front
Frankreichs Zukunft! n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Western Front
Frauen des arbeitenden Volkes. Aufruhr der internationalen sozialistischen Frauenkonferenz gegen Fortführung des Krieges March 1915 Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
French Relief Organisations' Leaflets 1914-1920 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front; Western Front
Frieden nur mit einem besiegten Deutschland 30 July 1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front; Western Front
Friedensbewegung 1 April 1916 Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
From the "Y" for the Boys who Fight for You November 1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
Fünfprozentige Deutsche Reichsanleihe von 1915. Dritte Kriegsanleihe 1915 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
Fünfprozentige Deutsche Reichsanleihe von 1915. Zweite Kriegsanleihe 1915 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
Gedanken über die zukünftige Ausgestaltung der Presse zur Förderung des Deutschtums in den Vereinigten Staaten n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front; Neutrals
General Information for Troops Arriving at Waterloo Station n.d. Visual Perspectives and Narratives Home Front
German Ambitions Having South America as Their Object n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment
[German newspapers and song sheets, including socialist and revolutionary titles] 1914 - 12 July 1919 A Global Conflict Eastern Front; Home Front
[German patriotic poems and songs] 1914-1918 A Global Conflict Eastern Front
The German Peace n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment
German Propaganda Leaflets. No's. 29, 31-35, 37 June-July 1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front; Western Front; Neutrals
Gibt es im deutschen Reiche noch Sklaven? n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
[Greek and Russian Aerial Propaganda Leaflets] n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
Grossbund aller deutschen Feldgrauen! Was wir wollen! n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
Grosse Mehrfarbige Kriegsbilder zu 2 Mark n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
Grosses belgisches Flugblatt 21 July 1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Neutrals
Haupt Kriegerverband Berlin. Dringendes Rundschreiben an die Vereine betreffend Kriegsmassnahmen 26 February 1917 Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
Have You a Husband, Son, Brother or Sweetheart Fighting in France, Italy or Russia? n.d. Visual Perspectives and Narratives Home Front
Herr Heine verneigt sich! n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
Himmeldonnerwetter! n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
Hindenburgworte 29 October 1917 Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
Hingabe an den Herrn Reichskanzler, Berlin 8 September 1917 Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
Horchet auf! n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
How Boys can Earn Money n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
How Girls can Earn Money n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
How to Help the Blind n.d. Visual Perspectives and Narratives Home Front
How to Organize and Conduct a Short Term Money Raising Campaign 1916 Visual Perspectives and Narratives Home Front
A Human Document n.d. Visual Perspectives and Narratives Balkans
Hymns to be Used at Divine Service on Christmas Day 1914 December 1914; April 1915 Visual Perspectives and Narratives
Im Tiegel n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
In Kirkwall n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front; Western Front; War at Sea
In Serbia Under the Enemy n.d. Visual Perspectives and Narratives Balkans
Informatorische Flugblätter welche den einzelnen Truppenteilen an der Front von der Nachrichtenstelle der obersten Heeresleitung zur Verfügung gestellt wurden c.1916-1917 Propaganda and Recruitment Western Front; Eastern Front; Home Front
Interesting Facts and Figures, 1914-18 n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front; War at Sea
Ist Deutschland eine englische Kolonie? n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Neutrals
It May Be "Your Boy" To-Night! n.d. Visual Perspectives and Narratives Home Front
Jacob Adams Emery, handwritten letters mainly from Oxford in 1919 20 March 1916 - 29 August 1919 A Global Conflict Home Front
Jews in the Czecho-Slovak State 1 January 1919 Propaganda and Recruitment
Kann man die englischen Wirtschaftsschwierigkeiten mit den unsrigen vergleichen? n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front; Western Front
Kein Kriegsinvalider lasse sich durch Furcht vor Rentenkürzungen vom Arbeiten abhalten! n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment
Kent Education Committee – Air Raids July 1917 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
King George's Club for Officers n.d. Visual Perspectives and Narratives Home Front
Kitchener House Club for Wounded Sailors and Soldiers n.d. Visual Perspectives and Narratives Home Front
Kitchener – Flyer for the Royal Lyceum Theatre n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
Klagebriefe aus der Heimat n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
Klassenkampf, Volksherrschaft oder Monarchie? n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
Krieg – Frieden – Alkohol! n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
Kriegs-Ausschuss der deutschen Industrie, Berlin. Die letzte Kanzlerrede n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
Kriegsanleiheversicherung 1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
Kriegsarbeit des Volksvereins February 1915 Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
Kundgebungen der politischen Parteien zur Frage der Kriegsziele. Streng vertraulich und nicht für die Presse bestimmte Druckschrift n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
La Guerre qui Vient May 1911 Propaganda and Recruitment
La Lanterne de Patachon. No. 3 1914 Propaganda and Recruitment Western Front
La Violation de la Neutralité Belge n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Western Front
Lancashire and Cheshire Miners' Federation - Motor ambulances for British wounded n.d. A Global Conflict Home Front; Western Front
Land, Leute und Wirtschaft in den von den Mittelmächten besetzten Gebieten. Belgien n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front; Western Front
[Le Bonnet Rouge] Proof Sheets of Articles 18 June - 13 July 1916 Propaganda and Recruitment Western Front; Eastern Front; Home Front
Le Discours de la Reine des Belges au Champ de Bataille 3 August 1915 Propaganda and Recruitment Neutrals
Le Peuple Allemand Offre la Paix/The German People Offer Peace October 1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Western Front
Leaflet Dropped During Bombing Raid as Reprisal After Sinking of the Hospital Ship, 'Asturias' 20-21 March 1917 Propaganda and Recruitment War at Sea
[A leaflet proclaiming allegiance of the Allies with Russia against the tyranny of Germany, Austria and Turkey [1]] n.d. A Global Conflict Eastern Front
[A leaflet proclaiming allegiance of the Allies with Russia against the tyranny of Germany, Austria and Turkey [2]] n.d. A Global Conflict Eastern Front
Leaflets by the League of Truth, Publicity Committee July 1915 Propaganda and Recruitment Neutrals; Western Front
Leaflets dropped by British planes on the Germans 1915-1917 Propaganda and Recruitment Western Front
Leaflets dropped from British balloons on Germany July-August 1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Western Front; Home Front; Italian Front
Leaflets dropped on the Germans by the French August 1916 - September 1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Western Front; Home Front
[Letter to School Lane Farm Concerning the Purchase of Hay] 25 December 1915 Visual Perspectives and Narratives Home Front
Liberté! Justice! Civilisation! 1917 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front; Western Front
Liebe Freunde! July 1916 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
Liebe Krieger! 22 April - 20 May 1915 Propaganda and Recruitment Western Front
Lloyd George auf Irrwegen n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front; Western Front
Ludendorff-Spende für Kriegsbeschädigte! Sammel-Liste n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
Maclean Kilties of America n.d. Visual Perspectives and Narratives Western Front
[Material Produced by the Jewish War Refugees Committee. Eastern District] n.d. Visual Perspectives and Narratives Home Front
Mehr Aufklärung! 3 August 1917 Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
An mein Heer und meine Marine! 1916 Propaganda and Recruitment
Memorandum on the Industrial Situation After the War August 1916 Visual Perspectives and Narratives
Memorial Service Cathedral Church, Norwich 28 February 1918 Visual Perspectives and Narratives Home Front
Men Wanted for Quartermaster Corps n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Neutrals
Menus for Meatless Days c.1915 Visual Perspectives and Narratives Home Front
Merkblatt der württembergischen Kriegsinvalidenfürsorge c.1918 Propaganda and Recruitment
Merkblatt für die Presse (Preussisches und Bayerisches Kriegs-Ministeruim) 6 May 1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
Merkblatt für Fragen und Antworten zum U-Bootkrieg n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment War at Sea
Merkblatt zur 8 Kriegsanleihe n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
Merkblatt zur sechsten Kriegsanleihe n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
[Miscellaneous Appeals for Books and Magazines to Send to the Troops] n.d. Visual Perspectives and Narratives Home Front
[Miscellaneous Leaflets Associated with the Prince of Wales' National Relief Fund] c.1914 Visual Perspectives and Narratives Home Front
Miscellaneous Liberty Bond and War Loan Leaflets October 1917 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front; Neutrals
Miscellaneous Papers on German Propaganda Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front; Western Front
Miscellaneous Printed Items Produced by the German Red Cross 1914-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
Miscellaneous Printed Material 1914-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front; Neutrals
Mitbürger! Behandelt die Wilson'schen Friedensbedingungen 17 October 1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front; Neutrals
Mitteilungen der Ausschüsse für Kriegsaufklärung im Bezirk des VI. Armeekorps. No's. 5, 8, 11-12, 17-19 5 November 1917 - 15 September 1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
Mitteilungen der Staatsregierung. Amtlicher Bericht über die Vorgänge in Groß-Stuttgart 3 April 1919 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
Mitteilungen für den vaterländischen Unterricht (Heimatausgabe) 1917-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front; War at Sea; Western Front; Italian Front; Middle East; Africa; Eastern Front
Morel Bros.. , Cobbett and Son - Price List of stores for the Expeditionary forces n.d. A Global Conflict Home Front
Mr S. Bettmann Seventieth Birthday, 18th April 1933 18 April 1933 Propaganda and Recruitment
Nachrichten über Aufklärung. No's. 1-19 25 July 1917 - 28 October 1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front; War at Sea
Nachrichten zur Aufklärung über Deutschland und den Krieg. No's. 1-8 August-26 November 1914 Propaganda and Recruitment Western Front; Eastern Front; Balkans; War at Sea
National Council for Civil Liberties and its Predecessor 17 June 1916 - 30 October 1916 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
National Council for Civil Liberties' Campaign Against Conscription 1 January 1916 - 30 November 1917 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
National War Aims Committee Leaflets 1917-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front; Western Front; Eastern Front; Balkans
National War Aims, No. 12. "Gentlemen" of Germany 1917 Propaganda and Recruitment War at Sea
National War Aims, No. 14. Right and Might. A Lesson which Germany Must be Made to Unlearn n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment
National War Aims, No. 15. A Kalendar of 'Kultur' 1917 Propaganda and Recruitment War at Sea; Western Front
National War Aims, No. 33. Our United War Aims 1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front; Western Front; Middle East; Asia and the Pacific; Africa; Eastern Front
The Nation's Need. Men! Men! Men! Are Wanted n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
Neueste Urteile über das grössere Deutschland n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment
A New Declaration of Independence 4 July 1915 Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front; Neutrals
News for the German Soldiers. Propaganda Leaflet in German with English Translation 25 October 1914 Propaganda and Recruitment Western Front
Norwich Cathedral. A Form of Prayer to be Used at the Memorial Service 4 September 1919 Visual Perspectives and Narratives Home Front
A Note of Warning n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Western Front
Offener Brief an Lord Northcliffe 22 February 1919 Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front; Western Front
On the Threshold of the Realm of Eternal Night October 1917 Visual Perspectives and Narratives Home Front; Western Front
[An open letter to members of the Duma] 1916 A Global Conflict Eastern Front
Order of Service Appointed to Give Thanks to Almighty God for the Conclusion of Peace 1919 Visual Perspectives and Narratives Home Front
Other Parliamentary Recruitment Committee Material 1914-1915 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front; Western Front
Our President's Proclamation and Appeal to all Loyal Americans n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Neutrals
Outcry Against the Black Horror! Urgent Appeal to Englishmen! 1922 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
[Pamphlets from the National Institute for the Blind, St. Dunstan's and Literature About Blinded Soldiers] n.d. Visual Perspectives and Narratives Home Front
Pamphlets, postcards and telegrams 1916-1919 A Global Conflict Western Front
Papers of the Headquarters of the Recruiting District, San Francisco April 1919 - May 1920 Propaganda and Recruitment Neutrals
Parliamentary Recruitment Committee, London, Leaflets 1914-1915 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front; Western Front; Eastern Front
Parliamentary War Savings Committee Leaflets July-August 1915 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
Perception of the War in the American Press 1 January - 25 March 1915 Propaganda and Recruitment Neutrals; Western Front
Permanent Blind Relief War Fund for Soldiers and Sailors of the Allies n.d. Visual Perspectives and Narratives
A Plain Talk to the People of Britain. Britain, Belgium and the Small Nations n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
Please Give a Christmas Gift to the Hospital 1915 Visual Perspectives and Narratives Home Front
Pourquoi Continuer la Lutte? October 1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Western Front; Eastern Front
Preface to the Pamphlet "Know Your Ally" 12 August 1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Western Front
Pressespiegel. Heeresgruppe Kiew 15 October 1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front; Balkans
Prince's Street Congregational Church. Order of Public Worship 1 December 1918 Visual Perspectives and Narratives Home Front
Private Papers of Mrs M Brunskill Reid: The Morse Alphabet n.d. Visual Perspectives and Narratives
Private Papers of Mrs M Brunskill Reid: The Navy League ... 21 October 1915 Visual Perspectives and Narratives Home Front
Professor Burgess über Amerikas Beziehungen zum Kriege 1917 Propaganda and Recruitment War at Sea; Neutrals; Western Front
[Propaganda leaflet asking citizens if they'll give up their autonomy to German forces] n.d. A Global Conflict Eastern Front
[Propaganda leaflet condeming Germany for rejecting to enter the League of Nations] n.d. A Global Conflict Eastern Front
Propaganda Leaflets for Aerial Distribution over Enemy Lines, 1915-1918 1915-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Western Front
Propaganda material relating to raising public subscriptions for the border regions before the referendum in East and West Prussia [Propaganda-Material Grenzspende zur Volksabstimmung in Ost - und Westpreussen] c.1919-1920 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
[Rationing Orders from the Ministry of Food, Rationing Cards, Arrangements and Supplies] January 1916 - 7 July 1920 Visual Perspectives and Narratives Home Front
Red Triangle Day 15 March 1918 Visual Perspectives and Narratives Home Front
Rede des Grossadmiral von Tirpitz 14 December 1917 Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
Rede des Reichskanzlers im Reichstage am 15 Mai 1917 15 May 1917 Propaganda and Recruitment
Rede des Reichskanzlers Prinz Max von Baden 5 October 1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
Refugees in Russia c.1918 Visual Perspectives and Narratives Eastern Front; Home Front
The Relief of Serbia n.d. Visual Perspectives and Narratives Balkans
Report on Activities of the Y. M. C. A. With the A. E. F. May 1919 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
Republick bedeutet Friede und Freiheit! Drei Jahre Krieg! 30 June 1917 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front; Western Front
Rettung. No. 15 n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
Richtlinien für die Aufklärungstätigkeit der Ausschüsse und Vertrauensmänner, Dresden, Mai 1917. (Stellvertretendes GeneralKommando XII) May 1917 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
Richtlinien für die Neugestaltung des Ostens. Flugblatt 3.6.18 3 June 1918 Propaganda and Recruitment
Royal Naval College, Osborne. Christmas Carols 13 December 1914 Visual Perspectives and Narratives Home Front
Royal Naval College, Osborne. Confirmation Service 9 July 1916 Visual Perspectives and Narratives Home Front; War at Sea
Russian Propaganda 1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front; Eastern Front
Russische Fliegerabwürfe in Deutscher Sprache March 1917 - November 1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front; Balkans
Russland - Amerika und England n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front; Eastern Front
Russland - England n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front; Home Front
Russland - Frankreich January 1919 Propaganda and Recruitment Balkans; Eastern Front
Schau her, Kamerad! Sieh dir die fünf Mann da einmal näher an! n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment
Schwab of Bethlehem, Penn n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front; Neutrals
Searchlights, No’s. 1-8, 11, 13-21 and 23-30 n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
Serbia n.d. Visual Perspectives and Narratives Balkans
Serbia House, Selly Oak … n.d. Visual Perspectives and Narratives Balkans; Home Front
Serbian Relief Fund 1918 Visual Perspectives and Narratives Balkans; Home Front
The Serbian Relief Fund n.d. Visual Perspectives and Narratives Balkans
The Serbian Relief Fund n.d. Visual Perspectives and Narratives Balkans
The Serbian Relief Fund n.d. Visual Perspectives and Narratives Balkans
[The Serbian Relief Fund Miscellaneous Items] n.d. Visual Perspectives and Narratives Home Front; Balkans
Serbian Relief Fund. Children's Branch n.d. Visual Perspectives and Narratives Balkans
Serbian Relief Fund. Report December 1918 Visual Perspectives and Narratives Balkans
Serbian Relief Fund. A Serbian Prisoner of War n.d. Visual Perspectives and Narratives Balkans
Serbia's Cup of Sorrow n.d. Visual Perspectives and Narratives Balkans
Serie: Door Vlaanderen heen Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front; Neutrals
Service of Thanksgiving for Victory. Second Army 17 November 1918 Visual Perspectives and Narratives
Service to be Used at the Launching of Ships of His Majesty's Navy July 1912 Visual Perspectives and Narratives Home Front; War at Sea
Service under Fire! The Knights of Columbus. National Catholic War Council K. of C. And Other War Welfare Activities November 1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front; Western Front
Socialist and Communist Flyers, Which Were Also Distributed Among Soldiers in the Field [Sozialistische und Kommunistische Flugblätter, welche auch unter den Feldsoldaten verteilt wurden!] c.1916-1919 Propaganda and Recruitment Western Front; Home Front
Some of the Advantages of an Enlistment in the Army 1919 Propaganda and Recruitment Neutrals
Sonderabdruck aus No. 43 der Wochenschrift "Gegenwart" n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
South Derbyshire Amalgamated Miners' Association - Motor ambulances for British wounded n.d. A Global Conflict Home Front; Western Front
Staatsbewusstsein und Krieg. Vortrag von Rechtsanwalt Hermann Meyer, Leipzig Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
Stand und Aussichten des U-Boot-Krieges am Ende des Jahres 1917 December 1917 Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front; War at Sea
State Co-operation in the Efficient National Regulation of Railroads 27 October 1917 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
Stellvertretendes Generalkommando Armeekorps. Richtlinien für die Aufklärungsarbeit 10 May 1917 Propaganda and Recruitment
Stellvertretendes Generalkommando IX Armeekorps. Merkblatt für Kriegsaufklärung. No's. 1-9 27 June 1917 - 27 September 1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
Tabloid First-Aid n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front; Western Front
A Talk to the School Children of Britain. Britain and Gallant Belgium n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
A Talk to the School Children of Britain. Why We are Fighting n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
Thanksgiving Service for the Successful Termination of the Campaign in South-West Africa 11 July 1915 Visual Perspectives and Narratives Home Front
Thanksgiving Service on the Termination of Hostilities… in the Abbeville Garrison Cinema 17 November 1918 Visual Perspectives and Narratives Home Front
Third Anniversary of the Proclamation of War: A Service of Penitence and Humble Prayer to Almighty God 4 August 1917 Visual Perspectives and Narratives Home Front; War at Sea
Those Things Which England Has Been Ready to Die For … 1917 Visual Perspectives and Narratives Home Front
To Americans of German Descent. Address by Otto H. Kahn on Behalf of the Fourth Liberty Loan 9 October 1918 Propaganda and Recruitment
To Girls in War Time 1914 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
The Transport of Tommy Over London's Danger Zone n.d. Visual Perspectives and Narratives Home Front
Truppen-Nachrichtenblatt und Flugblättern in Deutscher Sprache 1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Balkans; War at Sea; Neutrals; Western Front; Eastern Front
Ueber die Behandlung der Deutschen in England n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front; Western Front
Uebersetzung aus "The Times" London. Rückblick auf das erste Kriegsjahr! 4 August 1915 Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front; Western Front; War at Sea
Um Haus und Herd n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
The United States Army as a Career (An Example Worth Following) 23 April 1916 Propaganda and Recruitment Neutrals
United War Work Campaign November 1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front; Western Front
Unnumbered Folder of Preliminary Matter and Miscellaneous Items n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front; Western Front; Neutrals
Unser Friedenskaiser und der Krieg n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
Unsere bisherige Jugendpflege, und wie wird diese sich nach dem Kriege gestalten müssen? n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
Various Leaflets, Letters and Booklets n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Neutrals; Eastern Front; Western Front
[Various Theatre Programmes] c.1916-1921 Visual Perspectives and Narratives
Vegetables. From Seeds Sown in July and August 1917 Visual Perspectives and Narratives Home Front
Verschiedene deutsch-französische Fliegerabwürfe 1916-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Neutrals; Africa; Western Front; Eastern Front; War at Sea
Verschiedene Flugblätter 1916-1918 Propaganda and Recruitment War at Sea; Home Front; Italian Front; Western Front; Eastern Front
Vertraulich für die Redaktionen! 28 December 1917 Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
Vertrocknete Herzen? Eine notwendige Pfingst Betrachtung von Heinrich Class 25 June 1916 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
Verzichtfriede und Valuta 1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front; Neutrals
VI: Wilson Behauptet n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Neutrals
Victoire integrale! 1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Western Front
Volksspende für die deutschen Kriegs- und Zivilgefangenen c.1917 Propaganda and Recruitment
Volksunterhaltungsabende. Aus den Erfahrungen eines Unterrichts-Offiziers n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
Von Unserem U-Bootkrieg! n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment War at Sea
Voorwaarden van Wapenstilstand ter Onderteekening aan Duitschland Voorgelegd 10 November 1918 Propaganda and Recruitment
War Camp Community Service 1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
The War. The Victory of the Allies. What is Necessary and Unnecessary to Ensure Our Triumph 15 December 1915 Propaganda and Recruitment Western Front
War's Aftermath. An Obligation of Honor and Duty May 1919 Visual Perspectives and Narratives
Warum mussten wir kämpfen? Wofür kämpfen wir? 1 March 1917 Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
Warum sind wir unseres Sieges gewiss? n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
Was hält den Frieden auf? n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
Was hat uns die Revolution gebracht? 1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
Was lehrt uns der deutsche Seesieg vor dem Skagerrak? 1916 Propaganda and Recruitment War at Sea
Wehe dem Besiegten! Was sie aus Deutschland machen wollen n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
Weltkriegs-Fragen aus Amerika und Antworten aus Tirol May 1915 Propaganda and Recruitment Neutrals; Eastern Front; Western Front
Wen trifft die Schuld? 27 January 1919 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
Wenn sie siegten! 1917 Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
Wer ist der Todfeind des deutschen Arbeiters? n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
Wer ist schuld an unserer Kriegswirtschaftspolitik? n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
Wer Verlängert den Krieg? Sonderblatt der Kriegszeitung des Marinekorps "An Flanderns Küste". (Flugblatt Gegen den Streik) 4 February 1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
What Are We Fighting For? 1918 Propaganda and Recruitment
What Must I Do to be Saved? n.d. Visual Perspectives and Narratives Western Front
What We Have Done … May 1917 Visual Perspectives and Narratives Home Front; Western Front
What will Five Dollars Do? 1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
What Your Money is Doing for Your Boys: A Bird's Eye View of the Work of the Young Men's Christian Association … 11 November 1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
When in Beyrouth Visit St Andrew's House n.d. Visual Perspectives and Narratives Middle East
Where We Stand in the War. A Retrospect and a Forecast 1 January 1916 Propaganda and Recruitment Gallipoli; Western Front; Eastern Front; Middle East; Balkans; War at Sea; Home Front
Who Broke the Peace of Europe? n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Western Front
Wie der Vielverband für das Recht der unterdrückten Völker kämpft! n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
Wie sieht ein Verzichtfrieden aus? n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
Wie steht der Krieg in der Heimat? Einer Ansprache des Staatsministers Dr. von Brettreich am 8.10.1917 14 November 1917 Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
Wilde Streiks 1919 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front
Winke für Aufklärungsredner, Dresden, Mai 1917; Aufklärungs-Merkblatt für den Vaterländischen Unterricht und die Aufklärung in die Heimat. No's. 1-30 (Stellvertretendes GeneralKommando XII) May 1917; 18 June 1917 - 1 November 1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Home Front; War at Sea
Women of America July 1915 Propaganda and Recruitment Neutrals
Work in France of the American-British-French-Belgian Permanent Blind Relief War Fund n.d. Visual Perspectives and Narratives Western Front; Home Front
A World Peace. President Wilson's Programme 1918 Propaganda and Recruitment Western Front; Eastern Front; Balkans
Worte in die Zeit 1914 Propaganda and Recruitment Western Front; Home Front
Wounded Allies Relief Committee n.d. Visual Perspectives and Narratives Home Front; Western Front; Balkans
[Y.M.C.A Leaflets, Including 'Arguments Against the Use of Obscene Language' and 'The Heart of Harry Lauder'] 11 September 1915; 13 January 1917 Visual Perspectives and Narratives Western Front
Y.M.C.A. On Duty Wherever Our Boys are in Khaki … n.d. Visual Perspectives and Narratives Home Front; Western Front
Y.M.C.A. On Duty Wherever Our Boys are in Khaki … n.d. Visual Perspectives and Narratives Home Front; Western Front
Zentralstelle "Völkerrecht" Bericht über die Gründungsversammlung 3 December 1916 Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
Zentralstelle "Völkerrecht" No. 1 August 1916 Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
Zum Tode verurteilt! Ein französicher Aufruf an des deutsche Volk n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front; Western Front
Zur Beherzigung auch für uns! Lloyd George an seine Landsleute n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment
Zur belgischen Frage. Geheimer Hofrat Dr Georg von Below, Freiburg n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front; Western Front
Zur deutschen Verfassungsfrage 22 February 1919 Propaganda and Recruitment Eastern Front
Zur Kennzeichnung unserer Feinde n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment
Zur militärischen Lage in Ostafrika n.d. Propaganda and Recruitment Africa
Zur Vorgeschichte des Kriegs, ein Dokument 1918 Propaganda and Recruitment
Zwei Aufrufe des Unabhängigen Frieden March 1917 Propaganda and Recruitment